I recently came across a “best and worst” post on Facebook by a fellow travel blogger Bren On The Road (check out his profile too – some great stuff there!). It was quite entertaining, and thought it would be a bit of fun to copy and contribute my own thoughts to a similar list.

I’ll probably end up offending someone here, so lets just remember that the list is based on my own experiences (not scientific measure), and is just a bit of fun. *Gulp* Here goes…
Best avocados: Australia
Best pineapples: Thailand
Best mangoes: Pakistan
Best coconuts: Thailand
Best noodles: China
Best steaks: Japan
Best yogurt: Greece
Best seafood: Australia
Best hot dogs: Germany
Best sandwiches: France
Best pizzas: Italy for traditional, India for fast food style
Best burgers: Australia
Best coffee: Italy

Best nightlife: Lahore
Best daylife: Bangkok
Best public transport: Singapore
Best airline: Emirates
Best city for walking: Rome
Worst city for walking: Dubai
Best city for wifi: Kathmandu
Safest place: Iran
Unsafest place: East Gippsland, Australia

Most chill people: Bhutan
Most unchill people: Australia
Prettiest women: Tajikistan
Handsomest men: Pakistan
Best dressed: Lebanon
Worst dressed: China
Friendliest people: Indonesia
Unfriendliest people: Austria
Most polite people: Japan
Most impolite people: Netherlands
Most overrated city: Hong Kong
Most underrated city: Tehran

Agree with a lot of these, particularly Iran being the safest and Tehran being under rated. But what have you against Gippsland? Nice yoghurt from there 😉
Gippsland = Definitely the creepiest two experiences of my life (on separate occasions), feeling like I was about to star in my own instalment of Wolf Creek… But yeah, the yogurt is delectable :p
What a great idea. Can I take the handball from you and post the list for my preferences in a blog post?
East Gippsland? Are we talking like Moe?? At first I raised my eyebrow…. but then I think I know what you are on about….
You certainly can!!
And yeah, Moe is sort of the beginning of that one… I’ll reveal more in a follow-up post tomorrow!
Best chocolate: Belgium. I don’t agree with the impoliteness of the Netherlands. I think that the people of the Netherlands are very straightforward, in the face. Maybe it comes across as impolite, but i think it is their direct style, not turning around an issue, being to the point, telling very clearly what they like and dislike. That is my opinion, being a Belgian myself. Cheers, Tim, keep on traveling.
Yes, Belgian chocolate is to die for!
And yes, I’ve heard that about the Netherlands… Hit just didn’t sit very well with me to be honest – more a case of my interpreting it as impolite, rather than it being intended as impolite. Ahh well – “vive la différence”, I guess!
Thanks for reading and commenting, Ilse – I hope you’re keeping well!
Cool post! People of Austria are unfriendly?! I really want to visit it as a solo traveler, but if people are not friendly, I might change my decision.
I don’t think they’re necessarily mean, but they’re just very direct and I found a lot of them (in my encounters) to be unaccommodating. Like, talking to a waiter in a restaurant; “What time does the restaurant close?” “Look at the sign”. As an employee, I’m sure he would have had some idea of when the restaurant closed, but he just wasn’t interested in helping me. I had numerous experiences like that. I don’t think Austria is particularly dangerous.