This is a translated version of an original post A love letter to Pakistan which appeared on UrbanDuniya on 2nd July 2014. It has been kindly translated into Urdu by Mr Naveed Rehman and republished in honour of Pakistan’s Independence Day, 14th August.

وزیر خان مسجد، لاہور میں

احسن کے ساتھ جناح پارک میں

معظم کے ساتھ پول میں

مری میں

لاہور میں غروب آفتاب

ایک طوفان کے دوران بادشاہی مسجد میں

!چکن کڑاہی – میرے پسندیدہ میں سے ایک

بلال زبیری کے خوبصورت فن

میری خوبصورت ایمان میری خوبصورت شہر میں نمائندگی بادشاہی مسجد، لاہور

بس میں “سلفی” صهیب کے ساتھ
!مبارک یوم آزادی پاکستان
مہارت مسٹر نوید رحمان کی طرف سے ترجمہ
love you sir :p
Thanks for reading 🙂 I love Pakistan <3
Thanks 🙂 And thanks for reading 🙂
love you sir!
<3 Thanks for reading!
Bhao love you :’)
Love u and miss u too bhao 🙂
Loved every bit of it. So well expressed are these feelings. I feel glad to know somebody who can see the beauty, harmony and peace in Pakistan. We hope to never disappoint you. Keep that love coming, you will have a lot to cherish in return InshaAllah.
Thanks Asma!! Yep, I am already feeling so much love from Pakistan <3
very beautiful.
I completely agree with you. The real life is beyond Money. Life is about Happiness and money can’t buy happiness. Friends, families, strangers are those who connects us with happiness!
Absolutely! Pakistan Zindabad!