Homecoming: Lahore

Badshahi Mosque and Azadi Chowk
Total exhilaration. Standing on my terrace, with the sun’s dusty rays in my eyes, looking over the skyline. How blessed I am to be here.
The first few days in a city are always hectic; catching up with friends and family, getting back into the routine of a job, slowing down or speeding up after life on the road or in transit.
There was a part of me that wondered if Lahore had lost its sheen for me. Those beautiful memories which I’ve carried with me for the past nine months might have seared into my consciousness with a rose-coloured iron.
And then in an unexpected moment of clarity, It finally hit me. It was a beautifully breezy spring afternoon when I decided to climb the steps to the rooftop terrace. And as soon as I got there, it all came flooding back to me; the sun, the sounds, the colours. I felt so alive, so healthy, like spirit and passion had been breathed back into my soul. I felt vivid.
I’m not a huge fan of selfies, but I thought this moment was worth celebrating. I am home.
Been reading your posts regularly and it sounds like you’re in a very happy place. I never thought of Pakistan this way and I’m looking forward to reading more on your blog. Enjoy your time there.
Thanks Jameela! It’s really a great country with an image problem – I love it here 🙂 Hope you’re doing well.
*wolf whistles & happy dancing to the wonderful feelings of contentment and happiness and knowing that all is right in your world. 🙂
Awwww thanks Anna! Very sweet of you 🙂 Hope all is awesome at your end too – have a great weekend 🙂
welcome back!
Thanks! It’s great to be back!! 😀
Hello Sir.
How is your life going in Lahore ? when did you arrive ? and how long you will be stay here 🙂 I know its a tough Question because you don,t like to leave Lahore 🙂
Hi Haroon!! Life in Lahore is awesome <3 love it here!! I'm planning to stay as long as I can 😀