And I sang “Train comes and I know its destination”
It’s a one way ticket to where I can’t know your affection
You said “it’s taking you away, and it knows no consolation
Until we meet again, I beg May time hasten”
As you disguise yours
I won’t let you see my tears
Under those dark sunglasses
Our hopes enveloped by fears
But I feel them too well
And they pulsate and strain
At their leashes to break free
My heart, about to be chained
And I’ll wash away the dust
Of all our history
And I know I’ll return
To walk those same streets
And you’ll still be here
But it won’t be the same
And you will have grown
Healed over the pain
Those cracks in the wall
Plastered over with love
And words so sweet
But might never be enough
I’ll try to reconnect
And pull you so close
But this ocean apart
Wears me down most
Your knowing gaze
Your deep dark eyes
Your spellbinding streets
And your hot summer nights
You took me by my hand
Led me down lanes
I discovered myself
And your enchanting ways
Encircling me with your rhythm
Hooked on your your affectionate glance
Who knew one could love a city
Which I chose just by chance
Or did I?
Did I know all along?
Oh Lahore, you have my heart
Where I might finally belong.

Why are you leaving Lahore after so long?
It’s just time to leave… for now…