Too much distance makes the heart yearn,
But too little and you begin to feel the burn
Of lies and deceit and ugly betrayal
Years of space in my heart, destined to fail
“Get a house on a thirty-foot road” they said
Because if you don’t, you’ll end up dead
And wondering how it hit you, from out of the blue sky
And all came crumbling down in front of your very eyes
And “if you give an inch, they’ll take a mile”
But to judge too early was never my style Because you took what you could, reached right inside
Like a thief in my house, running on limited time
Through that space that I gave, that thirty-foot street
With those promises, I let too much pass for free
Playing both sides for you was never that hard
Charming the neighbours while bribing the guard
I thought you were different
You told me about everyone else
And they warned me about you
You should’ve warned me about that, too.
Creeping out in the morning
You thought you hadn’t left a trace
But being a good thief only works
If you never reveal your face
But you already had, and I lost both of them
Both of those masks; smart but also a friend
Smart enough to chase what you wanted
But too stupid to cover your tracks you left haunted
It took me four years to know, and two to make peace,
That when something better came along, you’d trample my dreams
And you tried to have both but you couldn’t
And I know I’ve said things that I shouldn’t
But as I walked back down that thirty-foot street
Tired from work, but I could feel the heat
Of my house ablaze, you stood roadside
With the gall to show your face, when you needed to hide
Matches in hand, arguing about shit years prior
Deflecting the blame about who started the fire
I may never know the truth about what you wanted from me
I’ve rebuilt from the ashes and you’re ancient history
And I spy from my window, you’re chasing your tail all alone
Searching for someone on a thirty-foot road, who might give you a home.