I’ve been blogging on UrbanDuniya now for one and a half years, writing about my travels for almost ten years, and traveling for longer than I can remember! Being part of an online blogging community is really fun, and it’s great to have the support of other blogs and bloggers, especially when we show our love for each other, (as Elena of Elena’s Travelgram so kindly a few weeks ago, when she linked my article about the Maldives). It wasn’t the first time Elena had thought of me either – back in May, it was Elena that nominated UrbanDuniya and myself for a Liebster Award! So I decided it was time to make a long overdue list of my ten favourite travel blogs (in no particular order), with a quick description of why I love them! Keep sharing the love around!

It was these guys who originally inspired and urged me to start blogging! (Well, Agness more inspired, Cez more urged :p ) But I wouldn’t be here if it wasn’t for you guys! I feel like we’ve in many ways had a journey together – and of course my site wouldn’t look as fabulous as it does if it wasn’t for Cez’s incredible skills!

20 Years Hence
The PHOTOS! OMGGGG… the photos! I love you guys, your style of writing, your journeys… and the photos!

Goats on the Road
Love the style of this blog, and I would give you guys a mention for your Sunset Sundays alone! Would love to contribute more in the future – I can wait!!! 😀

Elena’s Travelgram
Besides Elena being an awesome blogging companion, she posts about food and France (often together)! What more could I ask for?

Backpack ME
5. Backpack ME
You guys are so much fun to follow, and I feel like we are on the same page in many ways. I love that you offer travel advice for travellers from the subcontinent, something which I also try to provide. I’d love to continue to work with you about Pakistan, India, or wherever!

World Journeys
This is a bit of nostalgia for me. I love your “Trip of a Lifetime” posts about your first round the world trip, and the special interest pieces about train journeys. I also love that you write about West Africa, which is in many ways the final frontier of travel in my mind! (AND you’ve been to Lahore! <3 )

Curiosity Travels
Love the layout and style and colours of this blog, along with the fun and friendly community, and how personal some of it is. I would also give you an award for this piece alone – sheer genius!

The Indian Nomad
Relatively unexplored places in India and places that I’ve heard about before but I still love to read about. Would love to keep hearing about your travels!

Sarah Somewhere
THE HONESTY! I love how you effortlessly mingle travel with spirituality, and do it in such blissful honesty and style. You are an inspiration.

The Further Adventures of Bennett
10. The Further Adventures of Bennett
Fun fun fun! Frisbee golf? Why not? Love this blog, but have missed you of late!
Some honourable mentions!
It’s truly too difficult to whittle the list down to just 10, so here is my overflow area!
From Shores to Skylines – I haven’t been following you for as long as some of the others, but I am in love with your pictures from Bali – it looks like paradise, and your love for the place shines through!

From Shores to Skylines
Wonderful Wanderings – Great detail and varied ideas. To be completely, honest don’t relate to everything on your blog, but most of it I do, and I see that you and your writers do it with such care, and that deserves credit. And the things which I don’t really relate to – there’s always space for me to learn!

Wonderful Wanderings
Travel Blogger Interviews – Always a great place to hear about other writers, and connected with Flights and Frustration.

Travel Blogger Interviews
ShenANNAgans – not 100% a travel blog, but in a similar vein to UrbanDuniya 🙂 We must do coffee some time!

Voyager for Life – Love the passion for the places you visit, and the detailed writing you share with us.

Voyager for Life
Farflungplaces – so much Central Asia and a book dedicated to Turkmenistan? Awesome!

Perpetually Peripatatic – New experiences and so much fun when you travel!

Perpetually Peripatetic
What is your favourite travel blog? Or do you have another blog to recommend? We’d love to hear about it!
OMG! Thanks for including me! It’s always nice to get noticed by colleagues 🙂 I’ve got a few on this list I need to check out for sure!
Of course you’d be included! Thanks for all the excellent posts and ideas about Bali! 🙂
Tim, thank you so much for including me on your favourites list, and for your very kind words! I truly appreciate your support and encouragement. It has been so wonderful to connect with you!!!
Likewise – and every word I said is the truth. Thank you for being inspiring and beautiful!
Oh Tim, thanks a lot for putting us on top. I feel privileged! I’ve been following your adventures since the day 1 so seeing how you grew for the past few months makes me so proud of you!! 🙂 Keep it up! The blogs you mentioned here are also my favourite ones!! 🙂 Greetings from cold but still beautiful Amsterdam :).
Agness this journey wouldn’t have been the same without you guys – in fact it likely wouldn’t have happened. So thank you so so much! <3
Great list of blogs Tim some of which I already knew, but there are also some new ones that I’m more than happy to check out, it’s always good to find more travel inspiration! 🙂
Thanks for reading Franca! Yes, there are so many great blogs out there… it’s difficult to choose!!
Very nice list, Tim! I must admit I don’t know all of the mentioned blogs but I do love eTramping and World Journeys, so seeing that we like similar stuff, I will check the others out too! Thanks for the recommendation!
Thanks for reading!! There is really so much talent out there.
Wow, thanks for the inclusion Tim, I feel very honoured to be in such esteemed company.
I recognise and try to keep track of most of those on the list so can also endorse them.
Like you I was inspired by the E-Trampers and great to see you’ve benefited from Mr Krol – he is superb at what he does.
Thanks for the suggestions too. Whilst I know most of them it is always great to discover more great writers.
Keep up the great work Tim and like Elena keep spreading the love.
Of course you’re there! I love your blog, and I love your interviews too!! 😀 Thanks for reading!
Many of these are my favorites too. So happy to see Voyager for Life on here she writes so well.
Thanks for a reading Rachel! Yes, Voyager certainly has a way with words, and she really knows how to get under the skin of a place!
I’m so happy to see my blog mentioned here! Thank you Tim 🙂 I’m glad to discover some new blogs, too!
Absolutely Renuka! And thanks for dropping by too! Looking forward to your city series!
Thanks a lot for including us – what an honor!!
I love many of the blogs above too… that just goes to showing we have a ton of things in common! 😉
Absolutely!! Thanks for contributing so much to the world or writing and blogging too!! Looking forward to your next piece! 🙂
Honoured to be included on this list! So many wonderful bloggers 🙂
I’m lurking and will be back here amd there 🙂
Thanks Tim!
I love your writing! And lurk as long as you like – writing should be from love, not from compulsion, and you’ll know when you’re ready to pop up again! 🙂
Tim, what an honor to be included on your list of favorite blogs! It has been such a delight to have your along on our journey and we always look forward to your thoughtful and supportive comments whenever we publish a new post. And of course, we look forward to the day when we can accompany you somewhere as your official trip photographers! 🙂
Hahahahahhaa yes!!! I would seriously love that!! And I always look forward to your posts – they’re always interesting, and often surprising too! (Sri Lanka in a tuk tuk? Who’d have thought?! 😀 )
We’re so stoked to be included in this list of awesome bloggers 🙂 Thanks so much for your comments on our Sunset Sunday series!
Thank YOU for all of your interesting pieces! I love the practicality of your guides, and how intrepid you are! And I know my comments must get monotonous, but I really do love each of the sunsets so much! 🙂
I heard about this list from Goats On The Road. I’m so glad you included them!
When I followed the link… There You Are … I recognize you Tim from your comments on the Goat’s site! I always look for, and enjoy your comments!
Yup, Sunset Sundays is also a Favourite of mine, as well as all their informative and encouraging articles.
The others you’ve mentioned all sound uplifting and authentic too! It’s a Love Fest!
Thank You Tim for the Super Support, Sharing and Love You Give! 🙂
Thanks for reading!! Hope I can always continue the support 🙂
WOWZA Tim, what an honor! I am so touched to be included in this amazing list of blogs. Thank You! 🙂 It has been such a delight connecting with you Tim, your posts are awesome, I love that I get to adventure with you from the comfort of my desk. I appreciate your support and the shout out very much, and HECK YES to a coffee catch up. Will you be in the Berra anytime soon? Or will our paths cross somewhere overseas early next year? 🙂
Wishing you a splendid rest of week filled with allllll the fun you can muster. Thanks again Tim. Very chuffed! 🙂
Thank YOU!!! It’s been such a pleasure to be in touch with you too!! I’m so glad that I can share my journeys and my life with the world, and that there are so many people out there who love to experience along with me 🙂 Yes, I’ll be coming to Canbera soon – I’ll send you an email!
Great list- I really enjoy a lot of these blogs too. Will have to check out the couple I’ve missed now!
Thanks for reading Joella! 🙂
Tim, thanks so-so much for all the credits and all the mentions. I couldn’t imagine that my weekly round-up would find such a huge response. It means a lot to me!
And I loved your list! Whereas I follow a lot of guys here too, it was cool to discover new blogs like Sarah’s and Farflung Places. I knew just a couple of people who’ve been to Turkmenistan! Not sure where it’s hard to get – there or to North Korea 🙂
Turkmenistan is great – I went there for a couple of days back in 2007, and it was amazing! Thanks for getting back to me Elena 🙂 Here’s to many more experiences and travels!
Thanks so much for including my blog Tim, very very kind of you. Any trips to West Africa planned yet?
My pleasure Andrew! Thanks for sharing everything that you do! No trips planned yet… but who knows what the next few years hold? 🙂
Great round up, i knew a few already and i’m gonna check out the rest. Really hard o narrow it down to 10, must have taken you a while, just to make it even harder next time may i suugest a fe wmore of my favourites:
TwoMonkeysTravel (loads of useful travel tips, budgets, itineraries…)
HoneyTrek (incredible pictures and RTW adventure)
jon is Travelling (if you need a laugh this is it)
Congrats on your Liebster by the way…
Thanks for the great suggestions – and yeah, it was quite difficult to narrow it down to 10. But I decided to set myself that limit so I wouldn’t keep going forever! I’ll check out the other ones soon 🙂
Hey Tim,
Thanks so much for the mention! You can always shoot me an email with what you think I can do better. I love getting feedback from readers and am always looking to improve.
My pleasure! And you’re doing fine!! It’s just that sometimes there is a lot about Europe on there, and my heart is set truly in Asia… It’s certainly NOT a criticism!!! Just a personal preference! Besides, I love reading about different places – I’ll make it to Europe and explore it properly one day!! 😀