Christmas downunder?
Are you dreaming of a hot Christmas? Strange as it may sound for Europeans and North Americans, Australians celebrate Christmas in the middle of summer, and fresh fruit, seafood and cold drinks are the norm! However many Australians trace their lineage to the United Kingdom, resulting in an interesting cross-pollination of culture; the soaring temperatures don’t stop children from singing ‘White Christmas’ in their school carols performances!
In this guest post with Ever Changing Scenery, Tim Blight of UrbanDuniya shares his perspective on an Australian Christmas! Click here for more! And while you’re there, don’t forget to read all about Christmas in other countries, from the USA to Kenya and beyond!
Ever Changing Scenery is headed by Catherine from York, England. Catherine loves adventures, big and small, and tries to make every single day an adventure; she wants to inspire the rest of us to do the same! And when she’s not taking part in everyday adventures, she’s dreaming of travelling somewhere far away and exotic – a dream she is soon to turn into reality!