Chilling out in the streets of Brussels in summer… I could sit, watch the world go by and lose track of time and myself…
Candlestick Street and the love of writing…
I travelled to a Brussels street to pay homage to my friend’s wonderful writings, and to try and better understand the love of writing.
Luxembourg City: Europe’s most underrated capital?
I want to tell the world about this pristine, provincial-style capital that is picture perfect: Luxembourg City
Travelling during Muharram
Is it safe? Can I leave the hotel? Will everything be closed? The ultimate guide to travelling during Muharram in Muslim countries.
The perfection of Geneva
Geneva: an immaculate Swiss city set by a sparkling lake and a multicultural population overfed on the good life? Tick, tick and tick.
With eTramping: Working abroad
Find out what it’s actually like to live and work abroad, with this collaborative piece from!
What do you know about Liechtenstein?
It’s easy to laugh about a country which is 25 kms long, but Liechtenstein is very seriously an independent country – there’s just a lot that people don’t know about it.
Zurich, rainy afternoons and the Sprungli Cafe
What better way to spend a rainy afternoon in Zurich than at the Sprüngli cafe?
Palatial transit: Antwerp Central Station
I recently changed trains in Antwerp Central Station in Belgium, and for the three hours I spent there, I was enthralled by the building’s architecture.