On top of the world in Sary Tash
After peeling back the layers in Sary Tash, the Secrets of Central Asia began to show their true beauty.
Airline tail art: Corporate creativity
Airline tail art can be based on a variety of inspiration; national colours, local culture or business image.
Across the Roof of the World: The Pamir Highway
The locals call it the “roof of the world”; the Pamir Highway is home to some of the most awe-inspiring scenery on Earth.
Fate and weirdness on the road to Khorog
The road to Khorog in Tajikistan rattled my bones, and took me along the Afghan border where I got to thinking about fate.
Recipes for Ramadan: Masala Chai and Sahlep
There’s no better way to warm up in winter than Indian masala chai or Syrian sahlep!
Dushanbe; Tajikistan’s Soviet-style capital
If you are nostalgic for the Soviet Union, Fearghas O’Beara recommends a trip to Dushanbe, Tajikistan
Recipes for Ramadan: Ice Cream Lover’s Chocolate Pie
There’s no need to choose between chocolate, ice cream or pastry with this indulgent Ice Cream Lover’s Chocolate Pie.
More than kebabs and vodka: A guide to Turkmenistan’s cuisine
Simon Proudman takes us on a journey through the world of Turkmenistan’s cuisine!
Recipes for Ramadan: Massaman Beef Curry
A traditional Massaman Beef is time-consuming, but once you’ve got the paste ready the rest is a cinch!
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