With Kiss From The World: Falling in love with Mushkpuri

Written by Tim Blight

Writer, traveller, amateur photographer, teacher. Based in Melbourne and Lahore.

September 18, 2014

Mushkpuri, Nathiagali

Nathiagali view

Nathiagali view

Mushkpuri is a place where you can feel on top of the world. This 2800m peak in the hills above Islamabad affords views across Punjab, Kashmir, Khyber Pukhtoonkhwa and on a clear day, to Nanga Parbat near Gilgit-Baltistan.

In this guest post on Kiss From The World, we revisit one of our simplest but most happily serene discoveries while travelling in beautiful Pakistan. Click here to read on!

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  1. Anna @ shenANNAgans

    Oh wow Tim, it looks amazing. Kind of reminds me of Twilight (yes… I’m a massive Twi-hard) country. So dang magical! 🙂 Lucky you experiencing such a beautiful part of the world.

    • Tim Blight

      Hahahahaha a twi-hard?!?! I’ve never heard that before!! Love it!!

  2. Katie

    Great guest post, and lovely shot!!


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