2017 is gonna be BIG!
Enough moaning – 2016 is nearly done with, and it’s time to get excited about what 2017 has to bring. And while I’m planning on taking things a bit easier, as far as my blog is concerned 2017 is gonna be BIG!
This year I have so much planned for the site, and I’m so excited to share it with you. I’ve already been dropping hints all over social media for the past month.
This year will be the year of weekly videos! Every Sunday there will be a new video uploaded to my YouTube channel, featuring stories and travel tips from around Europe, Pakistan and Central Asia, plus Recipes for Ramadan!
Speaking of Central Asia, it’s an area that doesn’t appear on many people’s radars, whether they be travellers or simply scanning the world map. I’ve travelled there a couple of times, and have a wealth of video, photos, stories and tips to share – so come with me on a journey through the Secrets of Central Asia!
And probably my biggest news of the year is related to the above teaser – and as you may have guessed, it relates to Pakistan. There are more updates to come, so stay tuned for something BIG on the 14th August 2017!

new year 2017
So stick with me on UrbanDuniya as we journey through 2017 and all the plans and surprises it has in store. It’s gonna be BIG!
I’m sitting under the shade of some palm trees by the ocean reminiscing on the year that was and thinking yes, it was a tough one, but wow… I found a part of me I didn’t know existed. It’s prepared me for 2017 and helped me to understand what I need for a a happy and healthy life. I don’t have any grand plans, lots of little things. 3 blog posts a week, lots of Whitsunday adventuring, maybe I’ll try my luck on the dating scene, cutting red meat out of my diet, and I really want to work through my fears and vlog. Can’t wait to see your face every week and follow along your amazing journey. I’m glad we connected friend, you inspire me! Happy New Year, hopefully we can catch up over a beer of the ginger variety. Hugs. Xx
Awwww Anna I am so proud of you about everything you’ve done this year!! You inspire ME – when it comes to following your dreams, YOUR 2016 looks pretty impressive!! Thank you for being an inspiration, and I know that 2017 will be bigger and better for both of us! Can’t wait to see your vlog, and lots more scrumptious updates from the tropics!! Happy New Year, and yes, beer (of some variety :p ) is definitely in order!!! Hugs to you too xx
Good luck Tim with 2017! Looking forward to seeing your weekly videos
Thanks Adam! And to you too!! 😀
Central Asia is a brilliant part of the world to travel. Can’t wait to read your posts on it especially Turkmenistan and Tajikistan which I am yet to visit!
It certainly is! The Secrets of Central Asia launches today, and the first post from Urumqi is next Tuesday 🙂